Guppedantha Manasu Daily Serial – E1085 – 28th May

Show/Serial:Guppedantha Manasu
Channel:Maa serials

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Guppedantha Manasu

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Today’s Episode:

E1085 – Part1 : Part2 -28th May

Previous Episode:

E1084 – Part1 : Part2 -27th May
E1083 – Part1 : Part2 -25th May
E1082 – Part1 : Part2 -24th May
E1081 – Part1 : Part2 -23rd May
E1080 – Part1 : Part2 -22nd May

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Jacqueline Talks About The Bad Advice She Got Early Days!

May 23, 2024

Jacqueline Fernandez, a prominent figure in Bollywood known for her captivating beauty, recently opened up about her experiences in the film industry. In a candid interview with Brut at the Cannes Film Festival, Fernandez shed light on the challenges she faced and the questionable advice she received.

Despite her undeniable beauty, Fernandez, a Sri Lankan actress who has graced the silver screen for over 15 years, acknowledged a recent decline in film offers. The interview delved deeper, revealing the limiting advice she was given early on in her career. An unnamed actor suggested she focus solely on maintaining her appearance, implying that beauty was the key to success. Fernandez, however, strongly disagreed with this notion.

Ageism and Unrealistic Expectations: Fernandez further discussed an unsettling suggestion to alter her age on her passport as she approached 30. She countered this by highlighting the positive shift in the industry, where actresses are thriving at all stages of their careers.

Pressures of Conformity: The actress also opened up about the constant pressure to conform to specific beauty standards. She revealed being advised to get a nose job, something she never considered due to her self-acceptance. These experiences highlight the superficiality that can sometimes plague the industry.

Navigating the Industry: Fernandez also acknowledged her initial struggles due to her lack of acting experience and knowledge of the industry’s inner workings. She expressed the difficulties she faced in navigating the complex world of filmmaking and its various personalities.

Jacqueline Fernandez’s story serves as a reminder of the importance of artistic merit beyond physical appearance. Her experiences highlight the need for a more inclusive and age-diverse film industry that values talent and artistry.