Smriti Irani to be New Gujarat CM?

In a surprising development, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is reportedly considering Smriti Irani, who is currently serving as Textiles and Information & Broadcasting (I&B) Minister in his cabinet, for the post of Gujarat Chief Minister.

BJP has managed to win the just-concluded Assembly elections in Gujarat for the record sixth time, but the win hadn’t been that easy. A resurgent Congress had given early jitters and a tough fight to BJP in Modi’s home state, which has become a worrying factor the ruling party despite the victory.

Modi and the BJP high command have taken this result as a warning sign, and have reportedly decided to make vast changes in Gujarat state leadership. They are reportedly planning to replace Vijay Rupani, who served as the Gujarat CM during last term, with a new CM, who has a strong connect with the public, and can turn Gujarat into BJP’s forte again.

According to reports, the saffron party has identified Smriti Irani as the capable leader. The factors that make her a front runner in the race are strong leadership qualities and being one of PM Modi’s closest ministers. A few other senior leaders are also being considered for the CM post.

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