Shakeela turns Sensuous Director?

South Indian favorite sexy star after Silk smitha is none other than Shakeela. Now she is going to handle the mega phone and say ‘Action and cut’ as she is directing a film in Malayalam.
Shakeela took some time off from the screen these days and now came back with an idea of acting and directing a film. She has finished the scripting. How is the situation of a woman who lost her husband after having a baby with him? What are the consequences she will face from society? What are the hardships she has to go through in bringing up her child alone? The story runs discussing all these questions in the film for which the shooting is in progress.
As Shakeela felt the script by heart and was moved by the character that made her direct the film even being the lead role. Let us wish her good luck and hope for a good film rather than just a B-grade oomph one like her earlier ones.

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June 1, 2024

ప్రత్యేక విమానంలో బంగారాన్ని భారత్‌కు తరలించిన ఆర్‌బీఐ