Saradaga Kasepu Comedy Serial – 7th Feb

Serial Name: Saradaga Kasepu
Channel:ETV Plus

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Saradaga Kasepu

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Latest Episode:

E172- Part1 : Part2 OrClick Here-7th Feb
Previous Episodes:
E171- Part1 : Part2 Or Click Here-6th Feb
E170-Click Here-5th Feb
E169- – Part1 : Part2 -2nd Feb
E168- – Part1 : Part2 Or Click Here-31st Jan
E167- – Part1 : Part2Or Click Here -30th Jan
E166- – Part1 : Part2 Or Click Here -29th
E165 – Part1 : Part2 Or Click Here -23rd Jan
E164 – Part1 : Part2 Or Click Here -22nd Jan Jan
E163 – Part1 : Part2 Or Click Here-17th Jan
E162 – Part1 : Part2-10th Jan
E161 – Part1 : Part2 Or Click Here-9th Jan
E160 – Part1 : Part2Or Click Here -8th Jan
E159 – Part1 : Part2 OR Click Here-3rd Jan
E158 – Part1 : Part2OR Click Here-2nd Jan

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Kalki 2898 AD: A Glimpse into the Future through Animation

May 31, 2024

In anticipation of the upcoming sci-fi film “Kalki 2898 AD,” directed by Nag Ashwin and starring Rebel Star Prabhas, the filmmakers have undertaken a unique approach to unveil the movie’s world. Rather than releasing traditional trailers, they have opted for an animated prequel series titled “B & B.”

This strategic decision allows viewers to be introduced to the film’s setting – the year 2896 AD – in a captivating and accessible format. The first two episodes of “B & B” have already been released on Amazon Prime Video, with more to follow.

Set nearly a millennium in the future, “B & B” paints a picture of a society vastly different from our own. A cashless system has been implemented, with individuals relying on a digital currency managed through wrist gadgets. A stark social divide exists, with the wealthy residing in a privileged area known as the “Complex.”

The series introduces us to Bhairava (voiced by Prabhas), a happy-go-lucky bounty hunter struggling financially. His lighthearted personality and comedic interactions with his grumpy landlord, voiced by veteran actor Brahmanandam, provide moments of humor. While the initial episodes don’t delve deeply into Bhairava’s backstory, they establish his ambition to gain access to the exclusive Complex.

“B & B” also hints at the presence of a rebellious faction dedicated to aiding the less fortunate. These rebels target the establishment’s transport vehicles, suggesting a potential conflict within this future society.

The fifteen-minute episodes are well-paced and visually appealing. The animation style is lighthearted, and the voice acting by Prabhas and Keerthy Suresh (who voices Bujji, another central character) adds depth to their roles. While the series injects humor, it’s likely the film itself will explore a more serious tone.

The first two episodes primarily focus on establishing Bhairava and Bujji’s partnership. Future installments are expected to delve deeper into their adventures, potentially bridging the gap between the animated series and the live-action film.

With its unique marketing strategy and intriguing world-building, “Kalki 2898 AD” has generated significant buzz. The success of the “B & B” series in introducing the film’s universe will undoubtedly heighten audience anticipation for the film’s release on June 27th.