Rumour: Cute Heroine In Bad Company

You are known by your company and this company is one of those influential gangs in T-wood. But what happens when you push yourselves more into them, everything goes for a toss. And that’s what being heard now.

There is this young and cute heroine from a neighborhood tinsel town who got closer to this company in recent times. And since then, they are just hanging out everywhere and finally, they say that she got a taste of the company’s habits. That includes a lot of boozing without falling in the eye of the press or anyone who could spill the beans outside.

A friend of this beauty shared that currently, she is unable to come out of the new habits she acquired from them. She can’t keep away from a bottle of wine every day, can’t live without pork, and not able to sleep before the clock ticks 3 am. After looking at this heroine’s struggles, some insiders commented, ‘this company spoils everyone’.

Well, know your company carefully before signing the offer document.

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