Internet Shutdown Across the Globe In Next 48 Hours?

Internet users may have to face difficulties due to network failures across the globe for next 48 hours. As the key domain servers are set to undergo routine maintenance, internet users might experience downtime or there is a chance for total shutdown of Internet over the next 48 hours.

As reported by Russia, the ICANN (Inernet corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers) will perform maintenance work during next 48 hours by changing the cryptographic key to help protect the Internet’s address book or the Doman Name System (DNS). This whole process to fight cyber attacks.

The Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) hints interruption for internet users if their Internet service providers (ISPs) are not prepared for this change. This interruption is not inevitable and can be avoided by enabling the appropriate system security extensions.

Accessing Web pages and transactions might be troublesome in the next 48 hours and an outdated ISP usage too could cause inconvenience in accessing global network.

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