Jayalalithaa’s health Condition Critical


For those who are in top position usually their personal details are kept confidential. Same was seen in the case of Sonia Gandhi and other top politicians in India. After the rumours regarding KCR’s health, now it is the turn of Tamil Nadu CM J Jayalalithaa who seems to be facing some illness which is not being revealed.

Sources say that her health condition is in critical stages and she is not coming outside at all for the last few months. Usually she is quite active and she is seen in public quite often even after reaching her 70s. There is a stunning news especially for the people of Tamil Nadu where leaders are worshipped more than gods.

Her sugar levels have reportedly crossed permissible levels. She is expected to be flown to USA anytime to John Hopkins Centre in New York. There are even rumours that she may be undergoing liver transplant and all arrangements have reportedly been made in this regard by the government of Tamil Nadu.

Firebrand leader Subramanya Swamy tweeted that these rumours are indeed true. This may be a serious development. Leaders like her do not groom any successors and now it has to be seen how her void would be filled. Already AIADMK leaders and cadre are in panic mood and Tamil nadu will now be the major focus of attention.

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