One Chowdary Failed, Another Chowdary Scored

Critics apart, director AS Ravikumar Chowdary’s commercial screenplay has worked quite well with 
the masses as they are enjoying the laughter from start to end in the otherwise routine fare aka Pilla Nuvvuleni Jeevitham.
But what caught the attention of cine lovers is this Chowdary’s dedication in carving out an entertainer and his endurance to get the movie released. Crowds watching PNJ are commenting, “YVS Chowdary has no backing of anyone, while AS Ravikumar has backing of Allu Arvind and Dil Raju, and that’s why PNJ made to theatres despite some obstacles”. What is industry’s opinion about this?
Mega hero Sai Dharam Tej’s first flick ‘Rey’ tangled into financial mess, and is facing troubles to see the light, as director and producer YVS Chowdary is still trying to deal with them. Never, he explained the reason behind the delay and we heard from Sai Dharam’s mouth that he hasn’t even showed the film to any mega family members including Chiranjeevi and Arvind. Had he shown the flick they would have got confident on the content and shown way for the release. 
Unlike YVS, AS R Chowdary simply showed the movie to all biggies within the troupe and made umpteen corrections to his script and then reshot some scenes, say insiders. Today that is paying off, and Ravi’s patience is winning accolades as the film is getting liked by masses on day one itself. That way, one Chowdary failed while other one scored well.

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