Where do NV Ramana and YS Jagan stand now?

Just a few months ago, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister caused quite the scene when he dashed off a letter to the Chief Justice of India, SA Bobde, making some serious accusations against Supreme Court Lawyer, NV Ramana. Ramana was accused of many things, including partiality based on caste and meddling in the affairs of the AP High Court, among others.

This letter caused a lot of unrest among the judicial community across the country, which wanted to file several petitions against Jagan, for threatening the Judiciary with his letter, which not only questioned NV Ramana but the entire Judicial body itself. Upon investigation, all the accusations made on NV Ramana were struck off as pure falsifications, and NV Ramana has now officially become the CJI.

A lot of notable people from across the country have congratulated him upon his achievement, leaving everyone to question what kind of reaction Jagan would give to the matter. YS Jagan has indeed managed to shock everyone in the state, along with the members of his own party.

Jagan heartily congratulated NV Ramana upon his achievement and caused the jaws of other YSRCP members to drop to the floor, in utter shock. These members actively campaigned on social media, against NV Ramana, at the time that Jagan wrote his letter to Bobde. Now, these very members are asking how and why Jagan has shifted sides, on social media itself.

On the other hand, many political analysts are now wondering if Jagan’s wishes to NV Ramana mean that he has accepted his accusations as false, or if he is a changed man. Only time can tell what Jagan means by his gesture, and only Jagan can give a clarification on it.

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