Sreenu Vaitla Back To Basics

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Failures of Aagadu and Bruce Lee have done serious damage to the brand image of ace director Sreenu Vaitla. He used to make movies with young heroes in the starting days of his career. Sreenu Vaitla used to be a very good storyteller and screenplay writer during the days of Anandam, Venky, Dhee and Ready. With Dookudu he has attained stardom and thereafter stuck to doing movies with only superstars.

He started to play safe by doing template movies and that has boomeranged big time with Aagadu and Bruce Lee turning out to be disasters. He did some introspection after these failures and decided to get back to basics.

He stopped running after superstars and is writing a script for Ram with whom he has delivered a blockbuster like Ready. As per Sreenu Vaitla this film will entirely different plot and treatment from his recent movies. C. Kalyan is the producer for this movie.

Sreenu Vaitla has cut down his remuneration to fit in the budget and market of a Ram’s film. He has cleared the differences with his wife too. Sreenu Vaitla has bounced back with a bang whenever he was thrown down. We can hope for an entertaining treat from the master of comedy.

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