Pawan's Wrong Choice?


Jana Sena Party (JSP) founder Pawan Kalyan has shocked many by his announcement on Tuesday that that he would be contesting from Anantapur assembly constituency in the next general elections to be held in 2019. Considering that the region is hotbed of TDP and Opposition YSRCP too had good hold in Rayalaseema region, several political analysts are founding fault with Pawan’s choice as Anantapur.

Earlier, Pawan had announced that he would register as voter from Eluru and he had also stated that he would choose a house in Eluru for his stay. Many had thought that Pawan would be contesting from Eluru since that would be cakewalk for his victory.

It can be noted that Eluru has large population of Pawan’s community and the actor is expected to be received well. However, in sheer contrast to it, Anantapur has relatively less population of Pawan’s community. Now Pawan’s latest statement has invited great debate in Anantapur district.

Pawan had recently held a meeting in Anantapur November last year. He had called that Jana Sena Party’s first office outside Hyderabad would be in Anantapur. It has to be seen whether Pawan would stand by his word or not.

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