Pawan Kalyan gives yet another shock to Telangana BJP???

Janasena chief Pawan Kalyan, who announced his support for the TRS candidate during the Telangana graduate constituency MLC elections, gave a shock to the Telangana BJP. On the day of the election, Janasena’s chief created a sensation by announcing his support for TRS candidate Vanidevi.

It seems that now Pawan Kalyan is focusing on the upcoming Nagarjunasagar by-elections. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) wants to give a tough competition to the TRS here. For this, strategies are being devised.

Pawan Kalyan is likely to field a candidate on behalf of Janasena in the fray of Nagarjunasagar by-election. Although Janasena did not directly announce this, it issued a statement setting up committees for the joint Nallagonda district as well as the Nagarjunasagar constituency. It remains to be seen that if Pawan Kalyan will give a shock to the BJP in the same way as the MLC election.

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