Nagarjuna’s comment on ticket issue draws flak

Speaking at Bangarraju release date announcement event yesterday, Nagarjuna made a very interesting comment about the cinema ticket prices issue in Andhra Pradesh.

When asked to reveal his stand on the ticket prices issue, Nagarjuna replied “I don’t want to speak about political topics at film events. I have no problem with the current cinema tickets. My film does not have any problems with the current ticket prices,” Nagarjuna said.

Now, a section of Tollywood followers are calling out Nagarjuna over his convenient comments. “The industry is struggling due to the ticket prices issue. It is unacceptable that Nagarjuna says he has no problem with the whole fiasco.” An angry netizen commented.

Meanwhile, Nagarjuna’s fans are saying what Nag said way his personal opinion and no one has the right to ridicule the same.

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