Goon MP Gaikwad Barred from Flying In India


The Federation of Indian Airlines had taken a startling decision against Lok Sabha MP. The MP Ravindra Gaikwad from Maharastra has been barred from flying on any flight in India.

This decision was taken following the Shiva Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad’s attack on one official of Indian Airlines two days ago. The MP attacked the official for denying him from travelling business class on Delhi bound flight in Indira Gandhi International airport two days ago.

Taking serious note of the complaint lodged by the victim, the Federation barred the MP from Flying the flights in the country, with immediate effect and Air India has cancelled his return ticket from Delhi to Pune.

Two separate complaints have been registered with Delhi Police against Gaikwad: one by the contractual employee who was assaulted by the MP and another by a senior manager on behalf of the airline for delaying the aircraft’s onward journey. “God save our country if this is the culture and behaviour of our MPs,” the complainant said.

The MP Gaikwad refused to apologize and even dared Delhi police to arrest him. Instead, he demanded the Air India manager to come to him to apologise, also saying that a 60 year old man must know how to behave and his party will back him.

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