Akhila Priya's Emotional Speech in Assembly, Jagan Boycotts


A day after the final rites of Nandyala MLA Bhuma Nagi Reddy, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly has been gathered on Tuesday to pay homage to departed member of the house 53-yr-old Bhuma. While the whole house was present to pay tribute to Bhuma as a mark of respect to his services, Opposition leader YS Jagan has skipped and his absence was conspicuous in the house.

In her first ever speech in Assembly after the demise of her father Bhuma Nagi Reddy, Allagadda MLA Bhuma Akhila Priya made an emotional speech in the house where she recalled her loving parents. 28-yr-old Akhila Priya, who was misty-eyed and teary voice, had spoken with a soft voice.

Despite struck with such a great tragedy where her mom and former legislator was died in a road accident three years ago and now her father died of a cardiac arrest, Akhila Priya managed to put a brave face and delivered the best speech. Although she chocked at times, she recovered herself to the fact that her parents are no more. Akhila’s confidence and emotional speech moved many in the house as a few TDP MLAs were spotted with teary-eyes.

About Parents Nagi Reddy and Shoba Nagi Reddy

I’ve been eagerly waiting to speak about public issues in the newly constructed Assembly. But little did I expect that I come here to talk about my father like this (paying homage). Since his childhood, my dad had been facing several problems. He had lost his father at very early age and subsequently he had lost all his brothers one after the other. He had lost three brothers in four years. When a few relatives had demanded my father to distribute assets, he had told them to take all assets but asked them to leave his brother’s children to him so that he’d raise.

Like he promised, he raised all the children of his brothers on par with us and got them married. Even today, if anyone gets a problem, all gather in our house. Such was his affection and love. When I had first stepped into house after Shoba Nagi Reddy’s (mother’s) demise, I hadn’t feared as he was with me then. He had held my hand and introduced me to each and everyone in the house probably he had knew that this day would come.

He couldn’t take my mom’s death. In the last three years, he had been remembering my mom all through. They both were so loving. They couldn’t leave each one. I wonder he lived these three years (after my mom’s death) only for us (children).

I’m Not Orphan, People Are With Us

A reporter had come to me and asked that I became orphan after losing both mom and dad. I’m not orphan. I’ve people in our constituency who came for dad’s funeral and party workers who were there all throughout. Lokesh garu was in Nadyala whole day. CM garu came and gave me confidence that he’s there for us.

I’d like to convey through Speaker that all the wishes, promises made by Parents to people in the constituency would be fulfilled by me.

YS Jagan Boycotts

I remember how much mom (Shoba Nagi Reddy) had worked for YSR Congress Party. When Jagan Mohan Reddy garu was in jail, my mom was fully taking care of party and she hardly got time to spend with us. Many times, she used to come back home later and cried for missing us. Dad too worked so hard for Jagan garu and his party.

Today Jagan garu skipping house so that he had to speak about my father is so difficult for me to take. I leave it to him and his party.

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