Popular singer to turn lead actor?

It is not surprising that many singers who turned actors have received critical acclaim. Over time, many musicians have even become better known for their film work over their music.

The latest buzz is that popular playback singer Sid Sriram is all set to make his debut as an actor in Mani Ratnam’s direction. If the reports are believed to be true, the 31-year-old singer will play a lead role in the ace filmmakers’ new film. It is heard that Jayamohan does the writing and screenplay for the movie.

We know that Sid Sriram had made his debut in the industry for singing through the film ‘Kadal’ which was directed by Mani Ratnam. So far, there has been no official confirmation from the singer and director yet.

Sid Sriram is quite a popular and highly paid singer in the Tamil and Telugu music industry, as his voice has a separate fan base. If the news about the singer’s acting debut is true, then, it will be a feast for his fans as he can a stronghold in both fields, dominating music charts and movie theatres.

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