Meet Mr Ghattamaneni Gautam Nanda

We often come across references of Pawan Kalyan and Mahesh Babu, arguably the Top 2 stars of Telugu cinema, in Telugu films. However, never have we seen the strategical use of these two stars’ stardom in a film starring a noted hero.

Sampath Nandi, who has used plethora of Pawan Kalyan’s references in his last film, ‘Bengal Tiger’ starring Ravi Teja, has continued his PK worshiping acts by naming his new film starring Gopichand as ‘Gautam Nanda’, which is assumed to be inspired from Pawan’s screen name in his industry hit film, Attharintiki Daredi. It has now come out that Nandi is not just using Pawan but Mahesh’s name also in his film.

The director himself has reportedly divulged that the surname of his protagonist in ‘Gautam Nanda’ is ‘Ghattamaneni’, which is the real life surname of Mahesh babu. He reasoned that as the hero in his film plays a rich and royal young man, he couldn’t have thought of a better surname than ‘Ghattamaneni’.

Fans of Mahesh will be pleased with the elevation given by Sampath Nandi for Mahesh’s surname. No director has floored fans of both Mahesh and Pawan in such manner in the past. Isn’t this called ‘Two birds with one shot’?

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